Here are a few of our favorite links about alcohol fuel (ethanol), including some interesting DIY projects.
General Ethanol Information
The Alcohol Glossary, compiled by John E. Murtagh
From Journey to Forever, based in Japan, a great all-round resource for biofuels, community development, and appropriate technology: Ethanol | The Energy Balance of Ethanol | Food or Fuel | Ethanol resources on the web | JTF Online Biofuels Library | Mother Earth News Alcohol Fuel Seminar | Schools participation | Farm-scale ethanol fuel production plant |
Biofuels Explained, from the U.S. Energy Information Administration
Do-It-Yourself Ethanol Projects
“How to Modify Your Car to Run on Alcohol Fuel,” by Roger Lippman
“Convert Your Car to Alcohol,” by Keat B. Drane
“Home Distillation of Alcohol,” by Tony Ackland
“Make Your Own Fuel,” by Robert Warren
“Making and Testing a Biodiesel Fuel made from Ethanol and Waste French-Fry Oil,” a printable file (PDF) from the University of Idaho
“The Manual for Home and Farm Production of Alcohol Fuel,” by S.W. Mathewson
Energy Information Portal of the U.S. Department of Energy
Research on Ethanol
The Journey to Forever Biofuels Library has a wealth of emissions information
Search for “ethanol“, Argonne National Laboratory
“Details of Fuels,” a printable file (PDF) from Comparison of Transport Fuels, Australian Greenhouse Office
Ethanol Organizations
Ethanol search, Institute for Local Self-Reliance