Mayday! Mayday!
George Noory heard you and he has David Blume back to help.
Join David Blume with host George Noory
on Coast to Coast AM Radio
Monday, May 2nd, 2022
10pm to Midnight Pacific Time (12am to 2am ET).
Every Locally Produced Gallon of Bioethanol Is a Gallon Not Needed from Russian or Transnational Corporate Thugs Who Want to Control Our Resources and Lives
We can:
- Stop resource wars
- Stop toxic fossil fuel pollution ruining our health and our planet
- Stop making choices between buying food or fuel to get to work
We can:
- Build strong vibrant communities
- Produce abundant food
- Generate clean renewable electricity
- Create new non-exportable jobs
- Repurpose waste and surpluses including plastic
Tune in to Coast to Coast Radio Monday, May 2nd, 2022 — 10pm to Midnight Pacific Time (12am to 2am ET)

Six million listeners and growing!
In a 2-hour LIVE interview, David Blume — farmer, biofuel pioneer, Regenerative Ag expert, and author of the Amazon.com bestselling book Alcohol Can Be A Gas! — will be talking with George Noory, the celebrated host of Coast to Coast AM, discussing simple, effective, and proven solutions for producing low-cost, open-sourced alcohol fuel everywhere for just $0.47 (forty-seven cents) a gallon.
- How we can stop the horrific war the Russian oilygarchy is waging on the Ukrainian people.
- How alcohol fuel has been a resource for American farmers, patriots, and local businesses since the Revolutionary War days.
- How alcohol kept the lamps lit at night, provided a safe antiseptic, and was a solid commodity for valuing early Fiat dollars.
- Why Henry Ford used alcohol to run the first cars built in the United States.
Tune In and Take Heart!
We can shut down the bad news babble that big business, big politicians, and cloudy agendas use to make us sheeple and willing to accept “that’s just the way it is.”
Together we are making it happen, and Monday night you can learn more about ways you can participate in positive change.
Find your local station here.
Call in and let George know this is the REAL news the country needs to hear and that these are the truths that should not be prohibited or locked away from us!
Coast to Coast AM is a “LIVE” program and your calls are welcome:
Call-In Phone Numbers and International Access Codes
- Western US: 1-800-618-8255 (toll free)
- Eastern US: 1-800-825-5033 (toll free)
- First time caller: 1-818-501-4721
- Wild Card line: 1-818-501-4109 (anyone can call)
- International Instructions Toll Free: (Sprint Direct Access Number) 1-800-893-0903, Press Option 5
Get a Copy of Alcohol Can Be A Gas!
While they last (and before the Russians burn them all), order your own limited-edition copy of David Blume’s critically acclaimed “How To” Guidebook for American Food, Fuel and Energy Independence, Alcohol Can Be A Gas! Fueling an Ethanol Revolution for the 21st Century.
If you buy directly from us, you can take part in our Publisher’s Special, which gets you the beautiful hardcover version of the book, in a limited edition autographed by author David Blume, plus the Alcohol Can Be a Gas! DVD — all for the price of the book alone.

You can also buy the book on Amazon.
Energy and food independence at your fingertips.
No more resource wars.
Blume: America’s Energy Independence!